CIU Cultural Club
CIU Cultural Club has been officially approved from the Pro Vice Chancellor in December 15, 2014. Although unofficially the members of this club has started working since April, 2014. After conducting two successful cultural events on the Fresher’s Day of April, 2014 & December, 2014 the Club Coordinator felt the urgency to develop this club. The specific objective of this club is to explore the inner excellence of CIU students by providing a cultural platform for them. CIU Cultural Club make value to the students by giving them different cultural opportunities to discover their individual talent and performance.

The broaden purpose of this club is to organize cultural programs through which CIU Cultural Club will be able to create greater brand image for CIU. All students of this university are cordially welcome to participate in the cultural activities that will be arranged by CIU Cultural Club in different semester. Official posts and member posts of CIU Cultural Club are given to those students who are working actively as the organizing team and participating in different programs arranged from the cub. If any student wants to be a part of this club we cordially welcome him/her in our club. The organizing team of CIU Cultural Club put their heartiest effort to make the events highly successful for the broaden interest of Chittagong Independent University (CIU).