Chittagong Independent University

Developed by CIU Software Team


CIU Business School
MBA Fee Structure with Scholarship for the Professionals and
the Members of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

Total Credits: 66

Concentration in:

Human Resources Management;




Fee Structure

Details Amount (BDT.) Total Amount (BDT.)
Admission Fee (Once) 10,000 10,000 X 1 = 10,000
Activity Fee 5,000 5,000 X 1 = 5,000
Tuition Fee 5,000 5,000 x 66 = 3, 30,000
Total Amount 3, 45,000
Special Scholarship For Thesis/Internship (6 credits X 5000) (-) 30,000
Total 3, 15,000
40% scholarship on remaining 60 credits tuition fees (3, 00,000 X 40%) (-) 120,000
Total Fee for MBA Professionals 1,95,000

Special Offers:

Total Cost of MBA Program for the Professionals with Business Graduation: Tk. 1, 23,000 (1,95,000- 72,000) *. (Min.8 course waiver with 40% discount)

Total Cost of MBA Program for the Professionals and the IEB Members with Non-business Graduation: Tk. 1,59,000 (1,95,00-36,000) *. (Min. 4 course waiver with 40% discount)

MBA Admission Fee Waiver (Tk.10,000/-) only for the CIU students (completed undergraduate from CIU and willing to study in MBA program).

50% Merit Scholarship is applicable from the 1 st semester based on previous undergraduate results (CGPA:3.90-4.00) and onward throughout the MBA Program based on their semester results (CGPA 3.90 on the scale of 4.00 with four-course loads in each academic session).

CIU also offers Scholarship in the following categories:

  • 50% scholarship for sibling.

  • 50% Tuition fees scholarship for dependent of CIU employee

Documents Required for MBA Professional Scholarship:

A student has to submit the following documents for availing the 40% Professional Scholarship in MBA program:

  • National ID Card;

  • Employee ID Card;

  • Business card/Visiting card;

  • NOC from Employer;

  • Certification of IEB membership.

* Conditions apply.