Chittagong Independent University

Developed by CIU Software Team

Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable Development (CEISD)


Chittagong Independent University (CIU) has decided to establish a Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable Development (CEID) in the CIU Business School (CIUBS). Apart from preparing trained corporate executives across the usual business disciplines, there is a growing need in the corporate world and across the organizations and society, to create a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in the larger context of sustainable development goals (SDG2030).

In the broader context of SDG Goals 2030, socially responsible and innovative enterprises may create jobs and engagement for young people, reduce concentration of wealth in a few hands, and play a positive role in equitable redistribution of wealth and income. The center will bring together universities, socially motivated entrepreneurs and innovators, leaders, professionals, and citizens in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation that may have impact on society and development.

Scope of activities of the Center:

This center will work in a multi-disciplinary and multi-method approach around the theme of entrepreneurship, innovation, and inclusive development of the business and society.

The proposed scope and activities of the Center may be as follows:
  • Research:
    conduct impactful research in the multidisciplinary areas of entrepreneurship, innovation, youth engagement, business-society relationship, corporate social responsibility (CSR), etc. in the broader context of SDG Goals.
    Output may be journal, monographs, conference, etc.
  • Teaching and Training:
    develop course curriculum and materials of different length and format for teaching and training related the multidisciplinary themes as mentioned above. Target group may include CIU internal students, students of different universities and colleges, business owners and executives, NGO officials, and community, in general.
    Output may be one day, two day, week long, semester long training program and courses.
  • Policy Prescriptions:
    prescribe policy related to the enabling environment for creation and development of entrepreneurship and innovation, about how to effectively combine business, government, and SDG objectives.
    Output may be policy memos for dissemination to local government, national government, and its different line agencies.
  • Youth Engagement and outreach:
    To engage the youth of CIU, other universities, and the community in different forms.
    Output may range from dialogues, seminars, workshops to different types of engaging activities related to Center objectives.
  • Citizen Awareness:
    create general awareness and increase social recognition about entrepreneurship, innovation, CSR and good corporate citizenship behavior, and also, responsible civic behavior at individual and community levels.
    Output may be series of awareness campaign, seminars, dialogues and citizen activism in different forms.

Contact Person

Dr. Moslehuddin Chowdhury Khaled
Director, Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable Development (CEISD)
Associate Professor, Dept. of General Management and Human Resource Management (HRM)