Chittagong Independent University

Developed by CIU Software Team


Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL)

Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) is the university wide office to enable continuous learning and professional development of faculty, staff, and students of CIU. It has been established to act as a focal point for arranging teaching and learning related programs, workshops, seminars, etc.

Objectives and Functions of CETL

The Center of fers the following services:
  • Orientation / Induction of new faculty members / staff;
  • Teachers/Staff Training;
  • Organize seminar and workshops on Teaching & Learning and on developing course curriculum by the faculty members, and on grading methods
  • Helping students to improve their learning skills.

Recent Events during COVID period

  • Online Course Management / CMOS workshop for regular faculty members.
  • Online Course Management workshop for adjunct faculty members.
  • Online Class Attendance and Assignment Submission workshop for students.
  • Online class through Google Meet workshop for faculty members
  • Online Exam and Grading through online course management portal / CMOS for faculty members.


Dr. Aseef Iqbal, Director, CETL & Professor and Head, Department of ETE, Department of CSE,School of Science & Engineering,