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Welcome to IQAC, CIU!
The national education policy 2010 of Bangladesh stipulates the establishment of a National Accreditation Council that would ensure quality of the academic programs offered by the higher education institutions of the country, both public and private.
Establishment of a quality assurance mechanism at the universities is the first step towards the formation of the proposed Accreditation Council and Quality Assurance Unit within the organizational structure of the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh was created to oversee the whole mechanism.
To comply with this directive, Chittagong Independent University formed its Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2016.
In its continuous effort to provide quality and effective education in compliance with the UGC’s policy and guidelines, Chittagong Independent University formed its Institutional Quality Assurance Cell in 2016. Since then, we have been working diligently to institutionalize the standard quality assurance culture in every aspect of our operations; to perform with greater finesse in providing degrees in various disciplines by embedding the most sought after-graduate attributes in our curriculum. By doing these, we aspire constant elevation of the university’s image to all stakeholders while ensuring transparency, accountability, and best management practices.
In light of the suggested framework of the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) of the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, we formulated the guidelines for quality assurance practices at both institutional and program levels, formed self-assessment committees and conducted team building workshops in due time. Currently self-assessments of the various academic programs are going on and we are hoping to complete them in due course.
We have also been closely following the developments with Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework (BNQF) and working meticulously in designing Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum precisely for our different programs to further enrich quality and ensure recognition of our graduates both nationally and internationally.
In this way, we are thriving to make a steady and commendable progress in earning accreditation by the recognized national and international bodies, and place in the university league tables; to contribute our fair share in accomplishing sustainable development through quality education and last but not the least, to produce ambitious, innovative and competent graduates with the required knowledge and skills essential for sailing through the disruptive 4th industrial revolution and beyond.
Prof. Mohammad Nayeem Abdullah, Ph.D.
To establish a progressive and sustainable quality culture within all program-offering and administrative units of Chittagong Independent University.
To ensure continuous advancement of education quality through self assessment and responsive exertion striving to create resourceful, ethical, and visionary graduates.
Professor Dr. Mohammad Nayeem Abdullah
PhD (CU), MS (Exeter, UK), BBA (AU, Thailand)
Director, IQAC, CIU,
Room No.: 3410
Ext:- 136.
PhD (CU), MBA (Bangalore), MBA & BBA (CU)
Professor, CIU Business School
Additional Director, IQAC, CIU
Room No.: 3209
Ext: 302.
PhD (IIUM, Malaysia), M.Sc. Engg. in Machatronics (AIT, Thailand), B.Sc. in CSC (NSU)
Associate Professor, Head, Dept. of ETE & Dept. of CSE, School of Science and Engineering
Additional Director, IQAC, CIU
MBA (USTC), MA & BA (CU), PGDHRM(HRD Foundation Bangladesh)
Office Manager, IQAC, CIU
Room No.: 3212
Ext: 310.
Office Assistant cum Computer Operator, IQAC, CIU
Office Shohayok, IQAC, CIU
With a view to developing Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum, reviewing the school-wise self-assessments as well as disseminating the accreditation standards & criteria, the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) has decided to hold a series of meetings. With this end in view, a high-level meeting was held on November 4, 2021 in Classroom # 3402 of CIUBS building. It was presided by the newly appointed Director of IQAC, CIU, Prof. Dr. Syed Manzur Quader.
In the meeting, Prof. Dr. M. Ayub Islam, Advisor, CIU Business School, was present as the resource person. He illustrated the set criteria and the standards required for gaining the program-wise accreditation as well as the rubrics for developing the OBE curriculum. A brief review of the on-going self-assessment report was also held.
The meeting was attended by Dr. M. Nayeem Abdullah, Dean, CIUBS, Dr. M. Rezaul Karim, Dean, SSE, Mr. M.B. Hossain, Asst. Dean, SoL, Ms. Rifat Tasnim, Head, Dept. of English, Dr. MM Nurul Absar, Prof. of CIUBS, Dr. Emon Kalyan Chowdhury, Head, Dept. of Accounting, Dr. Aseef Iqbal, Head, Dept. of CSE, Dr. Engr. Rashid A. Chowdhury, Associate Prof., CIUBS, Dr. Robaka Shamsher, Associate Prof., CIUBS, Dr. Moslehuddin Chy. Khaled, Associate Prof., CIUBS, Mr. Kazi Md. Siful Aspea, Asst. Prof., Dept. of English, Ms. Anjuman Banu Lima, Acting Registrar, CIU, Mr. Mohiuddin Jewel, Sr. Officer, PR & Communications, and other concerned staff.
Professor Dr. Mohammad Nayeem Abdullah
Director, IQAC
Chittagong Independent University
Jamal Khan Road,
Chattogram, Bangladesh.
Room No.: 3410
Telephone: 02333352926, Ext: 136
Chittagong Independent University
Minhaj Complex, 12, Jamal Khan Road, Chattogram, Bangladesh
+880-1946973778, +880-1844216660 02333352926, 02333351262, 02333352946,02333356484; +88-02333351263 Send Email