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MA in English Language and Literature, University of Chittagong

BA in English Language and Literature, University of Chittagong

Sanjida Afrin has obtained an MA in English from the University of Chittagong, securing the first position. She had her BA (Hons) in English from the same institution as well. Her research interests span a number of different but interconnected fields such as ecocriticism, resistance literature, identity theory, geocriticism, topophilia, spatial theory, and post-colonialism. Her work focuses on the resistance, identity, subalterns, and sustainability of people from marginalized communities and countries across boundaries and nations. She is a creative writer in addition to her academic work; her poems and short stories have appeared in both Bengali and English on a variety of platforms.

MA in English Language and Literature, University of Chittagong

BA in English Language and Literature, University of Chittagong

Resistance against Colonial Indoctrination: A Study of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's Weep Not Child Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies (JoALLS) ISSN 2633-2108 (Print) ISSN 2633-2116 (Online) Volume 5, Number 1, April 2024, Pp 45-67

Teaching Literature Online during Pandemic: An Investigation of the Current Scenarios of Selected Private Universities Bangladesh BAIUST Academic Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2021: 189–201

Resistance Against Colonial Indoctrination: A Study of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's Weep Not, Child
Conference: International Conference on Borders, Diasporas, and Multilingualism in English Studies
January 2022
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology,
Sylhet, Bangladesh

Book Review: Book review on Tanwi Nandini Islam’s Bright Lines Accepted to be published in CIU Journal

Trained and certified member of STAR Scholars Network
Completed STAR Certified Scholar Training Program
“STAR Scholars Network was established to connect, support, and promote academic researchers across borders, helping them to advance knowledge for global social good. This training is designed to provide STAR members interested in taking leadership roles locally and transnationally with hands-on experience for exploring the organization’s overarching vision, as they flesh out their own professional development plans for the years ahead” STAR Certified Research Scholar – STAR Scholars Network. (n.d.).

Poem: “ Suniket”, Monsoon Musing: A Bilingual Collection of Poems

Poem : “Dear November”, Published in : Aloka Magazine

Poem : “ Solitary Rain”, Published in : Aloka Magazine

Short Story (In Bengali) : “Nomanush” ( Translation: Not a Human Being), Published in : Sree Magazine

Short Story (In Bengali) : “Noishoibdho” (Translation: Silence), Published in : Sree Magazine

Short Story (In Bengali) : “Aborto” (Translation: Rotation), Published in : Sree Magazine