A line-following robot is a neat little machine designed to
follow lines on the ground. Picture a small robot with
sensors that "see" a path marked with a line, much like a
road or a track. The robot's job is to stay right on that line, no
matter where it twists and turns. It's a simple and fun way to
explore the basics of robotics and automation, often used in
educational settings to teach kids and enthusiasts about
technology and programming.
Points to be noted for tournament:
Robots per Event: One
Robot Weight Range: 500g
Robot Dimensions: W:25cm x L:25cm x H:7cm
Arena Specifications: 4 ft wide by 8ft long approximately
Robot Control: Autonomous
Size and Weight Limits: Dimensional and weight limits for robots shall be strictly enforced. Robots must have passed inspection prior to competing.
Course Time: Time is measured from the time the robot crosses the starting line until the time it crosses the finish line. A robot is deemed to have crossed the line when the forward most wheel, track, or leg of the robot contacts or crosses over the line.
Time Limit: a maximum of 3 minutes is allowed for a robot to complete the course. A robot that cannot complete the course in the allotted time shall be disqualified.
Timekeeping: time shall be measured by an electronic gate system or by a judge with a stopwatch, based on the availability of equipment. In either case the recorded time shall be final.
Autonomous Control: once a robot has crossed the starting line it must remain fully autonomous, or it will be disqualified.
Arena Edges: a robot that wanders off of the arena surface will be disqualified. A robot shall be deemed to have left the arena when any wheel, leg, or track has moved completely off the arena surface
Losing the Line: any robot that loses the line course must reacquire the line at the point where it was lost, or at any earlier (e.g.already traversed) point.
Second Attempt: any robot that loses the line course and fails to reacquire it will be allowed a single reattempt. The robot must start the course again from the beginning, and if it loses the line course on its second attempt it will be disqualified.
Power of Officials: the decisions of all officials regarding these rules and the conduct of the event shall be final.
Course Specifications: The line following course shall traverse a white paper rectangle,44" wide and 96" long. The line shall be a black, 1/2" wide line traversing the arena from end to end. There shall be no crossovers (e.g. places where the line crosses itself).Switchbacks and hairpins are possible, but the adjacent sections of the line shall be no closer together than 15cm when measured from the center of each line. The line course shall have 1 or more sharp right-angle, but no angle will be greater than 90 degrees.